Elite Player Identification & Events

Girls Academy


ECNL - Regional League - Boys

Our Elite Program provides our player(s) an enhanced level of training, resources, technological, and wellness resources to best prepare them to succeed at the highest level of play their capabilities allow. RISE Elite teams are formed through a variety of evaluation methods. We scout players at games, tryouts, player identification sessions and invitational training sessions. Individual player evaluations for Elite level teams can occur at any time of the year as long as the player is not currently rostered to another team within the same league at another club and assuming there are no gaming leagues and/or player transfer restrictions. Player Identification (ID) Events and Individual Trialist sessions are free of charge.

For players who are not currently on a RISE team we detail 3 ways below to assist your player in their transition, please read through each method to help us assure your player(s) is/are evaluated properly:

  • Individual or Small Group Tryouts (coordinate by contacting our staff directly, contact details below)
  • Player Identification Events (scroll down to pre-register)
  • Open Tryouts / Player Evaluations

Individual Trialists

Available Anytime

This discreet evaluation method has proven to be our most effective and personalized way to attract impact players from outside the club to our Elite Program. Individual Trialist(s) are typically “high profile” players who are considered to be at or near the top talent level in their birth year and are ready to consider a transition to RISE. Individual Trialists should connect with us by clicking on the link below to organize a trial (4 day maximum) and to discuss a transition plan for joining a RISE Elite team.

Play for RISE

Player ID Events

Held Multiple Times Throughout the Year

RISE hosts multiple Player ID Events to identify impactful players who are immediately capable of competing for playing time on Elite team rosters. Our ID Events are designed to identify elite youth players who have the ability and desire to compete at the top levels of play and against the best youth players in the country. These events generally have smaller player numbers than the open tryouts, however the average quality of individual players at our ID Events is typically higher than those at open tryouts. This is because Player ID Events are specifically designed to identify players for our Elite teams. Players who attend Player ID Events are required to register for each event prior to attending. Player ID Event details are below.

Open Tryouts / Player Evaluations

Prior to the Fall & Spring Seasons

RISE conducts open player tryouts/evaluations prior to every Fall and Spring seasons for any players interested in joining. Your player(s) will be evaluated by the Player Development Staff to determine the most immediate developmentally appropriate team placement for them within our program offering. At the completion of the tryouts, your player will be sent an invitation to join a team and/or program. When clicking the PLAY FOR RISE button at the top right of our website you will find details for player evaluations and/or tryouts just prior to the start of a new season.

Current RISE Players

Current RISE players are tracked internally and continuously by the Player Development Staff over the course of each season during training sessions and games to identify Elite Program candidates. Players who are currently rostered to RISE teams do not need to attend these Player ID events unless specifically instructed to do so by Player Development Staff.

Upcoming Events

  • All participants must pre-register or they will not be allowed to participate
Houston Cougar Coaching Session
Run by Houston Cougar head coach, Ben Williams, & UH coaching staff

Wednesday, April 9 - Open to anyone within the following age groups:
5:30 pm – South Campus Field 4 – 2011, 2010  
6:50 pm – South Campus field 4 – 2009, 2008

RISE with Us